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Friday Apr 10, 2009
Becoming a Wealth Wise Woman
Friday Apr 10, 2009
Friday Apr 10, 2009
Saturday October 25, 2008
2:45 pm-3:45 pm Cortez C & D
Presented By MariJo Harding
MariJo Harding, MSW
Financial Advisor Coach
Ashton Financial Group
Most women are confident dealing with day-to-day money issues such as monthly budgets, credit card balances, and savings accounts, but tend to shy away from more complex issues, such as investments and retirement.In fact, the Financial Literacy Foundation states that 52% of women find dealing with money stressful and overwhelming.The pressure of women having lower incomes than men and their tendency to live longer compounds the stress and anxiety that many women face about their money.The good news is that this stress and worry can be eliminated by learning the truth about traditional financial planning and identifying the financial myths that destroy peace of mind. By becoming a Wealth Wise Woman © you will be able to stop worrying about your future by making prudent and wise financial choices as you journey through life’s stages.