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Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Diversity and Inclusion: Looking Forward, What More Do We Need to Do?
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
In Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, her point comes through clearly. Her point is that notwithstanding the many gender biases that still take place in the workplace, excuses and justifications won’t get women anywhere. Instead, believe in yourself, give it your all, “lean in,” and “don’t leave before you leave”―which is to say, don’t doubt your ability to combine work and family. Leaning in can help you juggle work and family, step forward, and succeed professionally. This puts you in a better position to ask for what you want and make changes that can benefit others.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Explore ways that race and gender impact achievement.
- Discuss necessary changes that can benefit professional women in the workplace. c. Examine behaviors and cultural practices that create diversity challenges.
Jessica Gomez, Engineering Manager, Huntington Ingalls Industries; LaQuita Hall, VP, Global Managed Services Operations, AT&T;
Cathy Hendrian, Vice President, Human Resources, Consumers Energy
Moderator: Jasmine Dolfus, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant, Justice Via Dharma LLC