No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Life in the Zone
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Thursday Jan 12, 2017
Learning Objective: Learn strategies to increase balance, clarity, and efficiency for better life and work outcomes.
Many women feel torn between competing priorities, obligations, and personal goals. Some experience a daily struggle to find the balance that reflects harmony and fulfillment. There are two zones of professional and personal fulfillment. One is lived in the comfort zone and the other is in the life zone. You can only be in one zone at a time. In the Comfort Zone, you are driven by fear and perceive life as a series of risks you rather not take. But, in the Life Zone you are tuned into actions, decisions, and ways of thinking that are in line with your success vision. This seminar will provide inspiration, motivation, strategies, and mental shifts that may change your life. Join our diverse panel as they share tips to feel good, balance your life and work, and make each day count.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Explore personal definitions of success
- Examine stress management tools to relax your mind and increase clarity
- Use organizational and motivational tools to control the calendar/schedule
- List solutions and tips to stay motivated and inspired
- Create a personalized strategy for weighing the costs and benefits of important decisions