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Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
The United States Space Force: The Role For HBCUs
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
(BEYA Seminar 2446) The United States Space Force: The Role For HBCUs
Learning Objective/Take Away: Participants will get an early look into vision from panelists as to the composition, impact and role for HBCUs of the proposed United States Space Force as well as deepening their relationships with the Department of Defense.
Each day brings us a step closer to the reality of a United States Space Force becoming the 6th branch of the U.S. Military. What steps are being taken to add a new branch to the military? What is the Space Force? What is its mission? How will it function/defend? What role can HBCUs play and how can they get in on the ground floor with new research and contract opportunities? What will be the acquisition environment?