No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
BEYA 2020
The Importance of Upskilling: Stay Current in the Evolving Technology World (Presented by NetApp)
Logan Carrington - Product Marketing Manager
Brandon Johnson - A.I. Solutions Manager
Justin Tomlin - HR Program Manager
Mekka Williams - Sr. Software Engineer
Greg Williams - Vice President of Engineering
This seminar focuses on the importance of upskilling to stay competitive in the world of technology. You will learn about some of the latest tech trends as well as strategies to keep up with the rapid evolution of new technologies. Becoming a successful technologist is not just about technical aptitude. We will discuss the importance of soft skills, sometimes referred to as employability skills, and how to combine technical acumen with these soft skills to create a personal brand that can facilitate a successful and fulfilling career in technology.
Topics covered include:
- Technology trends: How have they transformed the way we do business?
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- Containers
- What’s next?
- Technical upskill strategies: How can I stay current? How can I get ahead?
- Importance of soft skills and emotional intelligence in technical fields
- From interview candidates to established professionals, why are these skills important?
- How can I improve these skills?
- Personal brand
- Tips for building and promoting a personal brand in a technical field.
At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:
- Describe current technology trends.
- Define a strategy for keeping their technical skillset current.
- Explore ways to combine soft skills with technical currency to become a more successful technologist
Slideshare Presentation: The Importance of Upskilling (Presented by NetApp)

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Marine Corps Leadership Seminar (Presented by the U.S. Marine Corps)
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
BEYA 2020
Marine Corps Leadership Seminar (Presented by the U.S. Marine Corps)
Dr. Kenneth Dunn - Director - Marine Corps Leadership Seminar
Cpt. Michelle Chadwick - Mechanical Engineer
Cpt. Taylor Paul - Infantry Officer
Cpt. Charlyne Delus - Manpower Officer
Cpt. Oludare Adeniji - Data Analyst
As the Marine Corps Leadership Seminar continues to move toward a more diverse officer corps, the need to engage top talent throughout our country will increase.
MCLS is a simple, cost-effective way to engage students and influencers that takes advantage of the Marine Corps legacy of producing ethical leaders in an uncertain national-security environment.
As part of a larger initiative to improve minority representation in the officer corps, the MCLS began as a result of ACMC's direction to reach out to colleges and universities using 'leadership' as the common denominator. The program’s objective is to showcase the tremendous leadership opportunities that the Corps has to offer young college graduates.
The MCLS program will foster and grow a positive impression of the Corps by connecting with and communicating a message of leadership and integrity to a diverse population of students, faculty, and community influencers.

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
"Young, Gifted and Black" (Presented by Northrop Grumman Corporation)
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
BEYA 2020
"Young, Gifted and Black" (Presented by Northrop Grumman Corporation)
Daniel Scott - Sector Vice President of Enterprise Services and Chief Information Officer
Deshawn Brown - Systems Engineer, Mission Systems Sector
Farai Chidembo - Cyber Systems Engineer, Aeronautics Sector
Dr. Monique Farrell - Materials Process Engineer, Mission Systems Sector
Vincent Poteat - Systems Engineer, Mission Systems Sector
Sam Williams - Mechanical Engineer, Aeronautics Systems
Innovative excellence aptly describes Northrop Grumman’s technical talent. Their experience, skills, cultural background, natural curiosity and willingness to always learn more makes Northrop Grumman the industry leader it is today. These participants in this Signature Seminar will tell about their aspirations, journeys and achievements as they have made a place for themselves in their respective fields. Their stories are deeply woven into their community and organization involvement. They seek to inspire the next generation of engineers and other STEM talent.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Let’s Make a Deal: HBCUs and Technology Commercialization
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
BEYA 2020
Let’s Make a Deal: HBCUs and Technology Commercialization
Melissa Jenkins - Program Manager & Industry Liaison/Program Analyst - U.S. Department of Treasury
Dr. Timothy Akers - Assistant Vice President for Research Innovation and Advocacy - Morgan State University
Necole Parker Green - CEO & Founder - The ELOCEN Group, LLC
Lily Milliner - Executive Vice President - Delmock Technologies Inc.
Thomas Stanley - Chief Revenue Officer - Tanium
Learning Objective/Take Away: Participants will have a greater awareness and understanding of technology commercialization and the opportunities that await their institutions.
Institutions of Higher Educations (IHEs), particularly research institutions, are increasingly expected to play a role in the economic development of their communities. Regional and city governments envision start-up companies emerging from university sponsored research – every institution believes they will be the catalyst for a ‘new Silicon Valley” ecosystem. This seminar features a series of speakers who will describe their programs, and the important role and opportunities for HBCUs/MSIs in the area of technology commercialization.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- The role of technology commercialization and IHEs and importance for HBCUs/MSIs.
- Exposed to success stories in technology commercialization from various regions.
- Federal and state opportunities for technology commercialization.

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
BEYA 2020
The Skilled Technical Workforce: The Role HBCUs have in Crafting America’s STEM Workforce
Victor McCrary - Vice President for Research and Graduate Programs - University of the District of Columbia
Leon Caldwell - Founder and Managing Partner - Ujima Developers, LLC
William Russo - Aviation Maintenance Program Director - University of the District of Columbia Community College
The National Academies of Sciences has estimated that by 2022, there will be a shortfall of ‘skilled technical workers’ defined as those workers who are post-high school in professions that require STEM-capable skills, but do not require a four-year degree. In addition, the National Academies last year produced a report on Minority Serving Institutions, noting that over half are community colleges. With this changing landscape of multiple career paths for students, and the changing needs of industry, where do are HBCUs/MSIs play a role in their communities this newly, disruptive employment environment.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Leadership Begins With Me (Presented by General Dynamics)
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
BEYA 2020
Leadership Begins With Me (Presented by General Dynamics)
Robin Butler - Human Resources Manager
Nikoia Greene - Sr. Director of Operations
Michael Dawson - Information Systems Supervisor
Adrienne Alberts - Director of Strategic Talent Programs
How to Cultivate the leader in You. Some are born leaders, but most can learn to be leaders. By identifying strategies to recognize or develop the leader in you, you will unleash the power within you to achieve success.
Developing leaders is essential to make a great and lasting impact. The leader has a vision and sees the big picture, but he or she needs other leaders to help make their mental picture a reality.
As we embark on a journey of personal and professional growth, this session will help us to cultivate our leadership skills and comprehend that “Leadership begins with me”. We’ve heard that leaders are born, and this session will dispel that myth and aid us in the discovery of how one can learn to lead and influence others.
You will be challenged not only to learn about developing as a leader but also to take the action steps necessary to invest in the potential leaders around you. You’ll learn principles that have been tested and proven again and again. You will learn to unleash the power of influence and be a champion for others.

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Lunch & Learn (Presented by IBM Corporation)
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Lunch & Learn (Presented by IBM Corporation)
Rashida Hodge - Vice President of Insurance Practice
Veena Ganti - Sr. Engineer
Lorraine Johnson - Director of North American Cloud Solutions Team
Shanelle Gayle - Data Science & AI Sales Engineer
Members of IBM Corporation speak to students about life at IBM and share advice on how to progress in their future careers.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Lunch & Learn (Presented by Ford Motor Company)
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Lunch & Learn (Presented by Ford Motor Company)
Dr. Dominique Perry
Claudya Arana-Sanchez
Dr. Nia Harrison
Joseph Bettehome
Lucretia Williams
Join panelists from Ford Motor Company as they share a day in the life of a Ford engineer.

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Sending The Elevator Back Down. Will You Be Ready When the Door Opens? (Presented by Consumers Energy)
Angela Nadell - Executive Director of Leadership and Organizational Development
Greg Salisbury - Vice President
Julie Hegedus - Executive Director of Gas Construction and Transmission Operations
Trevor Thomas - Director of Customer Experience
Monique Wells - Human Resources for STEM Talent Acquisition
Learning Objective: If every barrier was removed, obstacles were a thing of the past… and there was a line of leaders available and ready to send the elevator down for you… would you be ready? Do you have a plan? Do you know what questions you would ask… what information you would like to know? How would you make the most out of the opportunity?
Hear firsthand accounts from corporate leaders on how to utilize relationships for success, including developing and sustaining a mentor/sponsor relationship. Making the most out of a mentor or sponsor relationship takes much needed skills and a clear understanding of how to get the most out of every interaction. But first you have to be identified as someone who will be a worthwhile investment. We tell it like it is and provide honest commentary around what will encourage leaders to invest in you. Will you be ready when it’s your time?
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Understand how to develop and sustain a mentor/sponsor relationship
- Understand the attitudes/behaviors that hinder or prolong career advancement
- Develop a 60 second elevator pitch (a concise statement defining your career aspirations)

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Women in Natural Resources: Overcoming the Green Ceiling (Presented by the U.S. Forest Service)
Beattra Wilson - National Program Manager
Emilee Blount - Assistant Director of Engineering
Monica Lear - Station Director
Tina Terrell - Associate Deputy Chief
Leslie Weldon - Chief Executive
Grizelle Gonzalez - Research Project Leader
Learning Objective: Examine methods for helping diverse female natural resource professionals grow and develop into the next level of leadership.
All organizations know that they must provide opportunities for employees at all levels to build capacity and provide leadership development. Natural resources professionals also know they must recruit and develop leaders that mirror the changing demographics of the country. What are the strategies needed to recruit and retain new leaders in public service? Are requirements different for younger versus more mature professionals?
At the end of this seminar, participants will:
- Learn from experiences/strategies from panel members on career trajectory in federal agencies.
- Learn how to select mentors and create strong developmental networks.