No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Go with the Flow: Adapting to Challenges and Achieving Your College Goals
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Go with the Flow: Adapting to Challenges and Achieving Your College Goals
Candace Cox-Wemberley - CEO & Founder - I Am A Genius
Dr. Tosha Padgett - IT Application Manager/Professor - Canton Township/Northwood University
Learning objective: Examine adaptability to college life in order to focus on making the most of the college experience.
Many college students begin to develop a routine and expectations for college life within the first few weeks. Qualities such as flexibility and adaptability can help students acclimate themselves to the new college schedules and changes, such as being away from home and being responsible for making your own decisions. College life can offer so many life-changing experiences and opportunities for students, from networking and coaching to becoming more independent and developing the leadership skills to succeed. Adaptability is about having access to a range of new behaviors for success such as cognitive, emotional, and dispositional flexibility. This can be the difference between making the most of the college experience and barely getting by or failing out. Learn what you can do to adapt to your new surroundings and schedule in order to take advantage of the college offerings that will propel you into your new career.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the challenges that students will experience in a new college setting.
- Explore tried and true techniques for adapting to the many demands and disruptive changes on students’ schedules.
- Examine the benefits of new behaviors for leadership success such as cognitive, emotional, and dispositional flexibility.
Slideshare Presentation: Go with the Flow: Adapting to Challenges and Achieving Your College Goals

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
DEANS Roundtable
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
BEYA 2020
DEANS Roundtable
Norma B. Clayton - The Boeing Company (Ret.)
Pamela Obiomon, Michael Keeve, Wilbur Walters, Craig Scott, Z.T. Deng, Robin Coger, Heshmat Aglan, Devdas Shetty, John Anderson, Patrick Carriere, Dawit Haile, Murray Gibson, Joyce Shirazi, Derrick Dunne - ABET Accredited HBCU Engineering Deans
In order to sustain competitiveness in the world, we have to continue to innovate. What are HBCUs doing to be on the cutting edge of technology and innovation? What are the next practices and areas of innovation?

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
A Conversation With...Tarence Rice Jr.
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Recently, Lango Deen and Rayondon Kennedy sat down with Tennessee State grad and current Rice University PhD student, Tarence Rice Jr., for an in-depth conversation. Topics range from his introduction to engineering, obtaining internships, where he sees himself in the future, and much more. Stay tuned for CCG Media’s presentation of “A Conversation With Tarence Rice Jr.,” featuring Lango Deen and Rayondon Kennedy.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
"Can You Hear Me Out There?" The Power of Public Speaking
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
"Can You Hear Me Out There?" The Power of Public Speaking
Juanita Christensen - Director - U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command
Tymeka Whiteside - Project Manager - NetApp, Inc.
Shanna Sarsins - CEO - Sarsins LLC
Learning Objective: Explore speaking styles to build speaking skills
A confident speaker, regardless of title or position, will have a competitive edge over just about everyone. Cultivating the ability to communicate, choose your words carefully, and engage people is the best investment you could ever make. This seminar will help attendees to understand the principles of active listening and how to apply them to ensure that we collect the information needed in order to attain success. Learn how to take the lead and motivate the masses by expressing your message with passion and inspiration.
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Examine the principles of active listening.
- Explore active listening skills for better communication.
- Learn techniques to convey their message accurately and directly.
- Explore mental coaching techniques to address fear.
Slideshare Presentation: "Can You Hear Me Out There?" The Power of Public Speaking

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Leadership and Excellence in Diversity: Sustaining the Diversity Momentum in Changing Times
Rita Sampson - Chief of Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity - U.S. Intelligence Community
Chinwe Abara - Program Manager of Global Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging - NetApp
Col. Antoinette Gant - District Commander - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District
Learning Objective: Diversity champions create a brand and image that supports and reflects competence and business value
What does it mean to be a diversity leader? Over the past several years, diversity has been a hot topic. However, as times change and business challenges increase, the term has become a stale reference to check off a list of politically correct requirements. As diversity champions, we are challenged to educate, energize, and excite our organization around diversity initiatives. These initiatives build the foundation of creativity, innovation, and transformative results. Diversity and inclusion leaders are key players on the executive leadership team with the specific responsibility of ensuring that human resources are honored, embraced, and ready to contribute great value. Diversity and inclusion leaders are trusted advisors who fundamentally create strategies that result in corporate cultural transformations to effectively support the mission and vision of the organization. To continue to be successful and safeguard the great work and efforts of those before you, you must create a brand and image that reflects high integrity and strong leadership capacity. This workshop will arm you with the skills you need to change your leadership image and effectively function as a vital part of the leadership vision.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explore key diversity and inclusion leadership and management skills.
- Understand strategies for building the right brand and image.
- Examine what it means to transform organizational culture.
- Create a plan for excellence in diversity and inclusion leadership.
- Explore business challenges that impact diversity and inclusion leaders.
Slideshare Presentation: Leadership and Excellence in Diversity: Sustaining the Diversity Momentum in Changing Times

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Keep the Flames Burning! Connecting Values, Preserving Identity, and Cultivating Passion to Avoid Burnout
Petula Brown - Senior Project Manager - Mathematica Policy Research
Brandy Merritt - Strategy Mobilization & Integration Director - Consumers Energy
Learning Objective: Use strategies to increase productivity and career longevity
When emails pile up, co-workers test your patience, and organizational politics create conflict, it can be a part-time job to stay focused and committed. Most employees, despite finding work that they feel is aligned with what they enjoy, experience varying levels of burnout throughout their careers. All professionals, at all levels, need to share tools and techniques to stay connected to the vision, mission, and goals. For some, you may feel that you are in a position that may not quite fit your bigger vision. The challenge for you is still the same. We must connect with our values, find ways to express our identity and creativity, and find passion. “Wherever you go, there you are.” Become a professional who seeks opportunities to express your greatness despite changing tasks, and circumstances. This workshop will help you re-energize and shift your thinking in ways that can turn a dead end into a multiple path of opportunities, morale, and effectiveness.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify strategies to connect personal and professional values.
- Manage stress, change, and industry rumors.
- Examine strategies to move from a task manager to strategic professional.
- Explore five techniques to cultivate passion and commitment.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/keep-the-flames-burning-connecting-values-preserving-identity-and-cultivating-passion-to-avoid-burnout-179350607

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Organizational Politics from Venus: Developing Power and Influence From a Woman’s Perspective
Terri Williams - Founder - The Above Average School
Linda Taliaferro - Vice President of Global Quality - Meritor, Inc.
Paula Taylor - Acting Director of the Office of Diversity & Leadership - U.S. Army Materiel Command
Learning Objective: Assessing methods for navigating corporate politics from the female perspective
Do you know why women are not sitting at the leadership tables in your organization? Have you ever thought that, if given the opportunity, you could help make your organization better? Many professional women have reported feeling left out of key decisions or impacted by the politics that lessen their contributions. At the same time, several top women executives who continue to excel say YOU must learn to understand, rise above, and effectively use politics to get things done. In her book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, COO of Facebook Sheryl Sandburg encourages women to promote themselves in order to achieve professional advancement. This session is part two of a two-part series that will help women to address the best methods of navigating organizational politics from the all-female panel’s perspective.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify how women view organizational politics.
- Learn the skills and traits used by female employees to be successful in organizational politics.
- Explore possible opportunities and challenges in various industries.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Organizational Politics from Mars: Developing Power and Influence from a Man’s Perspective
Regina Evans - Engineering Program Manager - NetApp
Jim Campione - Aerotek
David Jones - Financial Advisor - Edward Jones Investments
Alcus Smith - Senior Field Leader - Consumers Energy
Learning Objective: Assessing methods for navigating corporate politics from the male perspective
Do you know why women are not sitting at the leadership tables in your organization? Have you ever thought that, if given the opportunity, you could help make your organization better? Many professional women have reported feeling left out of key decisions or impacted by the politics that lessen their contributions. At the same time, several top women executives who continue to excel say YOU must learn to understand, rise above, and effectively use politics to get things done. In her book, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, COO of Facebook Sheryl Sandburg encourages women to promote themselves in order to achieve professional advancement. This session is part one of a two-part series that will help women to address the best methods of navigating organizational politics from the all-male panel’s perspective.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify how men view organizational politics.
- Learn the skills and traits used by male employees to be successful in organizational politics.
- Explore possible opportunities and challenges in various industries.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/organizational-politics-from-mars-developing-power-and-influence-from-a-mans-perspective-179350615

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
A Conversation With...Lanny Smoot
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Recently, Lango Deen and Rayondon Kennedy sat down with Disney Research Fellow, Lanny Smoot, for an in-depth conversation. Topics range from his background, what lead to winning Most Promising Engineer, and much more. Stay tuned for USBE & Information Technology magazine’s presentation of “A Conversation with Lanny Smoot,” featuring Lango Deen and Rayondon Kennedy.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
The Power of Focus: Tuning In to the Right Priorities
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
The Power of Focus: Tuning In to the Right Priorities
Adrienne Somerville - National Industrial Business Operations Director - NAVAIR
Anu Mangaly - Senior Engineer - NetApp Inc.
Liza Raiser - Diversity & Inclusion Manager - Raytheon Company
Learning Objective: Increase professional and personal productivity and workplace efficiency
We have access to limitless information in our rapidly changing world as we face competing priorities. There are so many opportunities, options, paths, new developments, and discoveries that fight for our limited attention. With this in mind, clarity and focus are critical skills to ensure that we reach our most important milestones. If you can conquer the art of focus, you will prosper, be more effective, and increase the quality of life and work. This workshop will provide specific focusing strategies to help you make decisive moves, change bad habits, minimize your weaknesses, and maximize your strengths.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Explore specific strategies and habits that support mental clarity.
- List common distractions and how to manage them.
- Identify priorities and strategies to create better work-life balance.
- Examine habits and activities that help and hurt ANY goal.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/the-power-of-focus-tuning-in-to-the-right-priorities-179350623