No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Solutions Fireside Chat: Leaky Pipes and the Women of Color Executive Leader Accelerator Program
Norma B. Clayton - Trustee - Tuskegee University
Anita Estell - CEO - CELIE
The path to the c-suite is an arduous undertaking for women of color. Research concludes, that of any group, women of color, particularly black women receive the least assistance related to executive advancement. New models and disruptive innovations are needed to promote and support the advancement of women of color as senior executives in public, private and nonprofit enterprises.
This session addresses barriers precluding the advancement of women of color to the c-suite. Two trailblazing c-suite level presenters will discuss findings associated with “leaky pipes,” including those factors that impede executive advancement and introduce participants to the Women of Color Executive Leader Accelerator (WoCELA) pipeline partner initiative. WoCELA is a prototype college-age recruitment, retention and advancement intervention that will place at least 250 high-potential professionals on the path to the c-suite over the next five years. Session attendees also will be invited to share narratives, insights, lessons learned and offer suggestions to help inform prototype development prior to program launch in 2020. The exchange also will inform solution development of a customized program for mid-managers.

Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Think, Act, Achieve extraordinary Results: Winning Executive Coaching Strategies for the Leader and the Coach
Kenneth Bailey - NOAA
Courtney Powell - Director of Engineering - Assent Delivery - Eli Lilly and Company
Learning objective: Improve leadership and coaching skills
Leadership is about moving toward important goals and embracing the potential and growth power of people. Whether you are a top CEO, director, team lead, or beginning your career, you should be asking yourself one critical question: “How can I grow and achieve personal excellence?” Executive coaching is a strategic partnership that maximizes performance and growth potential to drive enhanced business outcomes. This workshop provides a vault of pioneering concepts, tools, and resources that move leaders from innovative thought to strategic action. Get ready to be challenged, take risks, and achieve extraordinary results.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Create a plan and vision that supports business, professional, and life mission.
- Use leadership techniques and communication strategies that support vision.
- List tools to overcome resistance, act, and make strategic decisions.
- Examine coaching competencies to assist the success of future leaders and team members.
- Use strategies to get out of their comfort zone, generate ideas, and expand vision.

Friday Feb 07, 2020
WOLB - Linda Gooden
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
In preparation for the upcoming 34th annual BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference, WOLB's own, Larry Young, sits down with Linda Gooden, formerly of Lockheed Martin
The two cover how to get students prepared for the future, getting students involved with machine learning and blockchain, how to provide job opportunities to students who don't attend 4-year universities, and many other things.
The BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference takes place in Washington, D.C. from Thursday, February 13-Saturday, February 15 2020.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Act Like a CEO, Think Like a Leader: Top Leaders Get Real About Gender, Leadership, and Perceptions
Renata Spinks - Cyber Technology Officer - U.S. Marine Corps Force Cyberspace Command
Cora Richardson - Engineering Project Manager - Apple, Inc.
Tisha Hammond - CEO - Ascent Small Business Promotion, LLC
Learning Objective: Examine the challenges and strategies of gender barriers
Be strong in the work place? Wait, not too strong? Be assertive? Wait, that’s aggressive? For every piece of advice a woman leader receives, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This seminar brings leaders together to share perceptions, management challenges, and leadership strategies. Leaders speak up and share candid thoughts for getting results and overcoming stereotypes and barriers. If information is power, this seminar is your source.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Engage in a candid dialogue regarding the perceived challenges of managing/leading women and being managed/led by women.
- Discuss techniques that help build professional relationships.
- Explore the impact of gender and perceptions on pay and promotion.

Monday Feb 03, 2020
Adapt or Crash: Emerging Technology’s Impact on Today’s Business
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Adapt or Crash: Emerging Technology’s Impact on Today’s Business
Arundhati Desai - Business Process Manager - FCA, Quality Vehicle Safety and Compliance
Jeannice Fairrer Samani - Fairrer Samani Group
Prabha Mani - Senior Engineer QA, NetApp
Learning Objective: Examine how current technology will affect businesses in the future
It wasn’t that long ago when the technological buzzwords social, cloud, and mobile were being explored by businesses and changing the way we work. With new technology being developed faster than a company can learn and roll out to their employees, the next innovation question is “what’s next?” Artificial intelligence, augmented/virtual realities, and the Internet of Things have been introduced to businesses. New additions to this growing list of technology such as voice capabilities, blockchain, quantum computing, robotics, and flexible screens have jumped into the mix of future technological advancements that will make businesses run smarter and faster. Join us for a look into the future as our panel discusses the challenge for business to determine how to position itself on the leading edge of innovation.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify and analyze various emerging technologies in business.
- Analyze and assess the various factors that affect business strategy with emerging technology.
- Understand the impact of emerging technology on society.
- Explore the importance of ethical practices in the usage of emerging technology.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/adapt-or-crash-emerging-technologys-impact-on-todays-business

Friday Jan 31, 2020
WOLB - Stephanie Hill
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
In preparation for the upcoming 34th annual BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference, WOLB's own, Doni Glover, sits down with Marsha Jews and Stephanie Hill of Lockheed Martin.
The three cover Stephanie's path to engineering, instilling positivity within our students, Lockheed Martin's conference participation, and many other things.
The BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference takes place in Washington, D.C. from Thursday, February 13-Saturday, February 15 2020.

Thursday Jan 30, 2020
WOLB - Maj. Sean Spence
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
In preparation for the upcoming 34th annual BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference, WOLB's own, Larry Young, sits down with Maj. Sean Spence.
The two cover Maj. Spence's background, the STEM profession, how students can develop leadership abilities, and many other things.
The BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference takes place in Washington, D.C. from Thursday, February 13-Saturday, February 15 2020.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
High Performance Collaboration: Leadership, Teamwork, and Negotiation
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
High Performance Collaboration: Leadership, Teamwork, and Negotiation
Ann Green-Ramsey - Global Chief, Electrical & Connectivity Quality - Ford Motor Company
Liliana Ramirez - Global Director, Lean Manufacturing - Ford Motor Company
Edith Pickens - HQE, Senior Advisor for Workforce Development & Integration - U.S. Army
Alba Contreras Rodriguez - President - Focus on Solution, LLC
Anne Marie Graham-Hudak - Ford Motor Company
Learning Objective: Discuss traits that help develop and expand your leadership repertoire
Are leaders born or made? How do aspiring managers succeed in an ever-changing business environment? How do they lead different groups to action? Throughout this seminar, we will explore how great leaders assess themselves, manage collaborative teams, and effectively manage negotiations and conflict.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Discover how leaders communicate through storytelling and employ other communication strategies to influence.
- Explore and analyze leadership styles.
- Identify how organizations can develop team charters to optimize their groups and develop a game plan for effective negotiation.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/high-performance-collaboration-leadership-teamwork-and-negotiation-179350606

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
WOLB - Marsha Jews
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
In preparation for the upcoming 34th annual BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference, Marsha Jews sits down with a plethora of past BEYA STEM attendees and principal members, such as Dr. Charles Johnson Bey, Carl Eric Fonville, and Matt Bowman; just to name a few.
Marsha speaks with each of these interviewees about their start in engineering, their respective organizations, and how the BEYA STEM Conference has played a major part in their lives.
The BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference takes place in Washington, D.C. from Thursday, February 13-Saturday, February 15 2020.

Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
It’s Time to take Control: Develop Leadership Habits that will take you to the Top!
Tara Phelps-Jones - Inspector General - U.S. Army Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
Jeannice Fairrer Samani - Fairrer Samani Group
Cresencio Hernandez - Site Production Manager - Consumers Energy
Learning Objective: Discuss methods that help focus and improve leadership habits
Are you doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? This is the definition of insanity. It is time to get real and get results. Successful leaders make choices every day that move them in the direction of their vision. You have the power to achieve all that you want. The secret to getting there is in understanding three words: My Daily Habits.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify skill gaps through leadership assessments.
- Explore leadership habits that get results.
- List ineffective habits and create a personal action plan.