No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Playing in the Sandbox: Effective Strategies for Managing Multi-Generational Teams
Petula Brown - Senior Project Manager - Mathematica Policy Research
Col. Antoinette Gant - District Commander - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District
Stephanie Simmons - Director, Supply Chain Procurement - Huntington Ingalls Industries
Learning Objective: Enhance techniques for successful collaboration among teams
Managers are charged with meeting diverse needs to maximize value and productivity. To be a competent leader and manager, your role is to create opportunities, empower others, and leverage the specialized skills of employees. One continuing challenge is managing multi-generational teams. The complexity of communication presents two core challenges: How do we increase quality and efficiency of knowledge sharing, and how do we improve value? Collaboration and knowledge sharing practices are essential to solving problems, enhancing professional relationships, increasing productivity, and improving work quality. Building communities that continue to address knowledge sharing and collaboration systems is the key to remaining competitive.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Explore knowledge sharing techniques to stay ahead of the competition.
- Identify new and innovative ways that organizations share knowledge and collaborate.
- Explore ways to foster communities that embrace successful collaborative exchanges.
- Examine global and multi-generational knowledge sharing opportunities and challenges.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/playing-in-the-sandbox-effective-strategies-for-managing-multigenerational-teams-179350617

Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Unleash your Professional Savvy – Secrets to Power, Style, and Grace
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Wednesday Jan 01, 2020
Unleash your Professional Savvy – Secrets to Power, Style, and Grace
Christine Burkette - Senior Executive - Pierce, Monroe and Associates
Carlotta Tutt-Holloway - Principal - True Root Marketing
Charmaine Thomas - Senior I&D Business Partner - Aerotek Inc.
Rosylin Weston - President - R.A. Weston Communications, LLC
Learning Objective: Access your competitive edge by designing a winning image, building self-confidence, and communicating value with style and grace.
Are you on top of your game? In today’s competitive market, the professional woman must understand what it means to project a powerful image. Your ability to build professional savvy is the key to breaking through barriers and achieving success. Technical skills, education, specialized career training, and performance are only the beginning. Did you know that 90 percent of your ability to move up the corporate and federal executive ladder is influenced by your personal brand and image, credibility, and communication skills? If image is everything, then everything matters. Whether you are seeking recognition, promotion, or just entering the workforce, this seminar will help you capitalize on your hard work as you unleash the best you.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Explore ways to build and express self-confidence.
- Create a winning image and leverage their circles of influence.
- Examine professional savvy and politics.
- Design a plan to increase recognition and value in the workplace.
- Explore 10 critical style tips for today’s professional woman.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/unleash-your-professional-savvy-secrets-to-power-style-and-grace

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Be the Match (Presented by Consumers Energy)
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Be the Match (Presented by Consumers Energy)
Join our Race Against Time – A discussion around inequality in patient access to life-saving treatment
At Be The Match, we match blood cancer patients to life-saving blood stem cell donors. But as patients urgently need donors who share their ethnic background, race is a crucially important factor. Join us to learn how blood cancers, sickle cell, and other deadly diseases are impacting people of color, and how you can help ensure equal access for all patients in need.

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Choose Your Words, Change Your Future! Top Money-Making Communication Techniques
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Choose Your Words, Change Your Future! Top Money-Making Communication Techniques
Adrienne Somerville - National Industrial Business Operations Director - NAVAIR
Rukiya Higgins - CIO Project Manager - Raytheon Company
Eric Moore - Director - US Army
Learning Objective: Use strategies to increase communication in the workplace
Do you know what you are really saying? Before you speak a single word, you have already said so much. Your body language, facial expressions, and attitude tell their own story. A strong leader knows how to say what she means. Her voice is strong, her points are clear, and she talks about the big picture. She invests in increasing her vocabulary and uses language that reflects core values, missions, and goals. She can take these skills straight to the bank as she rises to the top.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify top communication techniques that support clarity and purpose.
- Explore ways to articulate mission and values.
- Practice effective listening skills.
- Identify individual listening and communication styles.
- Examine personal communication challenges and ways to address them.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/choose-your-words-change-your-future-top-moneymaking-communication-techniques

Monday Dec 23, 2019
Behavior and Business: Best Practices in Business Etiquette (Career Lab)
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Behavior and Business: Best Practices in Business Etiquette (Career Lab)
Andre Thornton - KUSI Global, Inc.
Andre Thornton leads a close knit discussion that fields questions and anecdotes from the audience on developing better business etiquette skills.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
WOC Alumnae Welcome Reception
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
WOC Alumnae Welcome Reception 2019

Monday Dec 16, 2019
Artificial Intelligence: Boosting the Future of Workforce Productivity
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
Artificial Intelligence: Boosting the Future of Workforce Productivity
Jeannice Fairrer Samani - Fairrer Samani Group
Christine Burkette - Senior Executive - Pierce, Monroe and Associates
Kavitha Duvoor - Automation Engineering Manager - Eli Lilly and Company
Learning Objective: Examine artificial intelligence impact on corporate efficiency
Today’s managers state that artificial intelligence (AI) will be among the most transformational technology in the workforce. It affects our lives in a multitude of ways, from banks using anti-money laundering algorithms to call center chatbots that augment customer interactions. All of these are led by AI’s power to increase operational efficiency and make faster, more informed decisions. The more AI influences customer expectations, the greater the impact it will have on the future of work and business decisions.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify what artificial intelligence is and what its business applications are.
- Examine the reasons for integrating AI into management and the practical data-driven methods to quantify opportunities that create a competitive advantage.
- Understand how to extract business value from AI to develop new, innovative methods for changing how their business operates.
Slideshare Presentation: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag/artificial-intelligence-boosting-the-future-of-workforce-productivity

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
The Changing Faces in FinTech
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
The Changing Faces in FinTech
Prem Chacko - IT Product Systems Chief Architect - The Boeing Company
Andrea Allen - Client Services Leader - The Boeing Company
Dr. Tosha Padgett - IT Application Manager/Professor - Canton Township/Northwood University
Kim Wilson - Vice President of Technology Operations - JP Morgan Chase Co.
For many years, financial services have had a dominant grip on the market with little change to their business strategies. But today’s businesses are facing demands from new visionaries that are providing a multitude of services and greater customer experience. Entrepreneurs are opening new opportunities for women, businesses, and consumers as they unlock new territories on the economy. Female FinTech trendsetters are changing the current market from the old guard and redesigning a better, more gender-friendly financial services approach in areas such as banking, capital markets, investment management, and insurance by adding more female leadership and technology to the mix. New approaches such as crowdfunding, peer-to-peer lenders, mobile payments, digital currencies and more will benefit consumers by expanding choices and increasing competition.
At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand how automation of the financial sector will provide a more informative service for consumers.
- Examine what technologies women are improving to increase efficiency and promote productivity in the workforce.
- Explain how Fintech will minimize human error and free up capital for consumers.

Monday Dec 09, 2019
Opportunities in FinTech
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Opportunities in FinTech
Tisha Hammond - CEO, Ascent Small Business Promotion, LLC
Monica Emerson - National Chair, Women of Color STEM Conference
The expansion of technology in the workforce has caused major changes in every aspect of our life, especially finance. Whether you are buying a cup of coffee with your iPhone or handling complex financial data, you deal with fintech every day. With $31.6 billion of investment in the US, and an additional $18.1 billion invested globally over the last five years, fintech is one of the hottest technology sectors. New software applications and tons of money are being poured into securing financial sectors, but what is lacking in the market is women. Fintech companies are lacking female leaders at the helm to help drive business into the next decade. The talent is out there, and there are more than enough opportunities for financial institutions to close the gap. Don't miss the chance to hear how top executives in the Fintech industry are working to locate talented women who can improve financial institutions and keep our technological border-walls safe. In this session, you will hear why there is a need for women in Fintech, and what financial and technological industries are doing to locate talented STEM professionals to close the gender gap in their industries.
At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand what challenges the Fintech industry is facing in the changing financial landscape.
- Examine what steps financial institutions are taking to locate and recruit top female talent to improve their existing workforce
- Explain how Fintech companies will retain top talent in the field and populate the pipeline.

Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
FinTech: The Challenge
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
FinTech: The Challenge
Technology is changing the way we do business while affecting every aspect of society— from the government to private firms. With ubiquitous smartphones and data stored in the Cloud, the financial landscape has not been omitted from technology’s reach. The business world and the financial realm have reached a critical point with cyber-hackers breaching corporate and government firewalls to gain access to privilegedinformation, wipe out bank accounts, or hold government and financial institutions hostage. Many companies are embracing technologies, such as blockchain-based systems, which offer exponential opportunities to companies as well as clients. It can also add new risks that include financial instability and loss of profits. This challenge for the FinTech industries will become a major concern for consumers when it comes to protecting customer accounts, developing creative security measures, and installing effective processes for better protection while increasing customer satisfaction.
At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:
- Understand what challenges the FinTech industry is facing in the changing financial landscape.
- Examine what steps financial institutions are taking to manage, secure, and protect customer information to create financial stability and success.
- Explain how innovations can help reduce the risk associated with the use of new technologies and attacks from cyber security hackers.