No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
CCG Digital - Mark Perna
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Recently, Lango Deen and Rayondon Kennedy sat down with author, speaker, coach, and CEO, Mark Perna, for an in-depth conversation. Topics range from Perna’s book, Answering Why: Unleashing Passion, Purpose, and Performance in Younger Generations, how to engage students into becoming career bound rather than just college bound, and much more. Stay tuned for CCG Digital's presentation of “A Conversation with Mark Perna,” featuring Lango Deen and Rayondon Kennedy.

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
X-treme Resumes - Constructing a Stellar Resume
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
- Identify the purpose of a solidly effective resume.
- Discern between good and bad resumes.
- Analyze the resume factors that recruiters identify to disregard some resumes.
- Identify the attributes of resumes that get on the interview schedule.

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
- Consider strategies to attract, recruit, and hire Veterans and Military Members in Transition
- Acquire understanding and information as to why it makes hiring a Veteran a great business decision
- Identify five benefits and incentives (both tangible and non-tangible) that are provided to businesses, i.e. Corporate, Industry, Non-Profit, and Academia, when they hire Veterans.
- Gain awareness of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and core leadership competencies Veterans being to any organization both Federal and Non-Federal Entities.
- Identify Federal programs offering incentives to companies that employ Veterans.
- Receive 25 reasons why companies (Federal land Non-Federal Entities) should hire Veterans.

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
- How can I improve my ability to listen?
- What are the differences between a weak and powerful communicator?
- What role does “non-verbal” communication play in my effectiveness?
- How can I break the ice and start conversations that lead to meaning connections?
- What interpersonal skills are critical for leading and working with teams?
- What are behaviors and common mistakes that impact interpersonal effectiveness and team success?
- How can I influence and engage others?
- How can I express my opinion and remain respectful?
- How can I make a good impression and build my emotional intelligence?

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
(BEYA Seminar 2800) Job Readiness Certification - Innovative and Critical Thinking: Training Your Brain to Solve Problems and Create Solutions
Our ability to learn new ways to think is the power of human potential. We have to make choices about the types of thinking that we apply to a variety of different challenges.
Critical Thinking is the act of examining a set of facts and analyzing and evaluating relevant information. We live in a knowledge-based society, and the more critically you think the better your knowledge will be. Critical Thinking provides you with the skills to analyze and evaluate information so that you are able to obtain the greatest amount of knowledge from it. It provides the best chance of making the correct decision and minimizes damages if a mistake does occur. Critical Thinking will lead to be a more rational and disciplined thinker. It will reduce your prejudice and bias, which will provide you a better understanding of your environment.
This workshop will provide you the skills to evaluate, identify, and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. It will lead you to be more productive in your career and provide a great skill in your everyday life.
Lastly, critical thinking skills will support your capacity to be innovative. Once you fully understand what it is, you can begin exploring what could be.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to answer the following questions:
- What is critical thinking?
- How can I use nonlinear thinking strategies?
- What does it mean for me to apply logic to situations?
- How do I know when, how, and why to think critically about a challenge?
- What skills allow be to better evaluate facts and data?
- How will thinking differently effect my decision outcomes?
- How can I challenge myself to see alternate perspectives?
- How can I increase my problem-solving abilities?

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
- What are the common interview questions, and how do I prepare my answers?
- What information do I need to know for every interview?
- How do I answer difficult questions?
- What are good questions to ask my interviewer?
- How do I answer, “So tell me about yourself’?
- What do I do after the interview?
- What are common interview mistakes?
- What does my body language say about me?
- What information do I need to know before I have my interview?
- How can I ace my interview from beginning to end?
- What can I do after the interview to gain an edge on the competition?

Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
- What is the definition of etiquette?
- What are the guidelines to making effective introductions?
- What are the three Cs associated with making a good impression?
- What are the three steps in giving a handshake?
- What is one technique you can use to remember names?
- What are two ways to minimize nervousness while in social situations?
- What are two differences between a formal and an informal letter?
- What color connotes dominance and power? Vitality and harmony?
- Etiquette can help business improve in what four areas?
- What is (are) the difference(s) between a formal and an informal letter?
- What are the differences between these dress codes: dressy casual, semi-formal, formal, and black tie?
- What are the basic guidelines in international etiquette?

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
WOC - Donna Bell: Technologist of the Year 2018 Recap
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Recently, Gale Gay sat down with Donna Bell, Technologist of the Year for Women of Color 2018 and Ford Motor Company’s Director of Technology and Feature Strategy and Planning, Enterprise and Product Line Management for an in-depth conversation. Topics range from how her year has been since being named Technologist of the Year, advice for the next Technologist of the Year; and much more. Stay tuned for Women of Color magazine’s presentation of “A Conversation with Donna Bell,” featuring Gale Gay.

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Mastering Winning Test Taking Strategies
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
- Review the factors that limit achieving higher college assessment scores.
- Identify practices for dealing with test anxiety.
- Measure current test-taking methods’ validity.
- Generate more efficient techniques for improving assessment scores.

Monday Aug 12, 2019
Executive Leadership Coaching (Pres. Northrop Grumman Corp.)
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
(BEYA Seminar 2750) Executive Leadership Coaching (Presented by Northrop Grumman Corporation)
Sometimes, to get to the next level in your career, it takes a little help. Northrop Grumman Corporation provides a panel of upper level executives who will present tips on how to make the next step to reach the executive level.