No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Thursday Jun 30, 2016
I Just want to Be Successful
Thursday Jun 30, 2016
Thursday Jun 30, 2016
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Increase professional leadership qualities, confidence, and competence.
Are you playing the game, or is the game playing you? Great Leadership happens when you understand the game and sharpen the right tools to play effectively. Achieving greatness is no easy task. Each person has a unique path with its own set of challenges and obstacles to overcome. As emerging leaders, you must explore who you are and understand how all life experiences contribute value to your journey. On this path, most will discover that success is about embracing and using your individuality to achieve greatness. On this path, you will discover that great men make great leaders. What truly makes you great? Who do you consider great? This seminar will explore life and leadership while examining the impact of hip-hop culture and its impact on definitions and perspectives of success.

Tuesday May 31, 2016
Interview Skills That Get You Hired!
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Tuesday May 31, 2016
Interview Skills That Get You Hired!
Do you know the benefits of establishing a positive and professional self-representation during an interview? Promotions depend on preparation and practice, but knowing what to prepare and how to practice is essential. Mastering the Interview Training Materials holds the knowledge of the qualities that employers desire. Expanding your expectations of the questions that will be asked during an interview can give you an incredible advantage over other applicants for the position. Even more, being able to demonstrate your unique skills through a well-articulated answer to interview questions will put you in the lead. Taking the initiative to prepare for an interview can create new opportunities for career development in your industry.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to answer the following questions:
- What are the common interview questions, and how do you prepare your answers?
- What information do I need to know for every interview?
- How do I answer difficult questions?
- What are good questions to ask your interviewer?
- How do I answer the question “So tell me about yourself”?
- What do I do after the interview?
Presenter: Talia Fox, CEO, KUSI Visions

Tuesday May 24, 2016
The Power of Creative Leadership: How Do Great Leaders Push Through Adversity?
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Tuesday May 24, 2016
The Power of Creative Leadership: How Do Great Leaders Push Through Adversity?
Learning Objective: Discuss the use of creativity to motivate employees
Creativity is a core competence of organizations. Good leaders strive to use creativity to improve capacity, manage change, and overcome adversity. This seminar will not only arm you with change management strategies but also examine ways to solve problems and create growth opportunities. New and seasoned leaders seek novel approaches to move teams through adversity, strengthen commitment and performance,
and encourage creative problem solving. Join us as experienced leaders share ways to creatively impact and influence positive change and support their people.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Examine specific creative leadership strategies.
- Explore ways to help teams stay inspired and committed.
- Identify specific tools and examples of how obstacles and change can be stepping stones for great opportunities.
- Examine how to motivate teams through change and retain valuable talent.
- Examine top qualities of creative leadership.
Moderator: Denise Evans, Vice President, Women & Diversity B2B Marketing, IBM Corporation
Shanna Travis, Advisor to the Deputy Director, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Malissia Clinton, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, The Aerospace Corporation
Ron Bradley, Vice President, PECO

Tuesday May 17, 2016
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Unleash Your Potential! Successfully Navigate Your Way through Global and Virtual Teams (Presented by General Dynamics)
Learning Objective: Explore how to engage in and lead nontraditional teams.
Work teams are no longer limited to co-workers within the same four walls. In today’s global marketplace teams can span across time zones, cultures, real space, and cyberspace. Virtual team environment is fundamentally different and hence traditional concepts of team leadership take on a new direction. Understanding how your personal style relates in a nontraditional team setting is key to unleashing your global potential. In this seminar, General Dynamics leaders will discuss how their experiences have prepared them to lead global and virtual teams.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Understanding challenges of global and virtual teams
- Understand personal style and behavioral differences
- Explore personal stories and examine effective strategies for team leadership
- Identify the unique characteristics of virtual team members and leaders
- Develop an awareness of geographic and cultural differences amongst team members
Moderator: Howard Jenkins, Manager of HR Diversity and Outreach, General Dynamics Electric Boat
Beth Howell, U.S. Employment Compliance Officer, General Dynamics Land System
Sarah Nicholson, Manager, HR Compliance and Special Projects, General Dynamics Bath Iron Works
Amanda Thomas, Human Resources Generalist/Recruiter, General Dynamics NASSCO
Dorothy Goetller, Program Manager, General Dynamics Electric Boat
Sarah Walker, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, General Dynamics Mission Systems

Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
A CEO’s Perspectives on the Value of Diversity, Inclusion and Innovation (Presented by Northrop Grumman Corporation)
Most people understand the definition of diversity and inclusion, but do they know why it’s so important? In this interactive seminar, a
Fortune 500 CEO will provide his view of how diversity & inclusion impacts collaboration, innovation and growth. He will share his vision
on creating a diverse workforce that through its unique differences will grow his company through innovative technologies, fresh ideas on
solving a customer’s needs and identifying solutions for the world’s future problems.
Speaker: Wes Bush, CEO, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Darryl Fraser, Vice President, Communications
Mark Caylor, President, Enterprise Services and Chief Strategy Officer
Chris Jones, President, Technology Services (2016 BEYA winner)
Tom Vice, President, Aerospace Systems Sector
Kathy Warden, President, Missions Systems

Tuesday Apr 12, 2016
Tuesday Apr 12, 2016
Strategic Executive Leadership: Discover Essential Leadership Skills That Change the Game
Learning Objective: Learn techniques and approaches to increase team and individual performance by implementing strategic
leadership skills.
Ever wonder what separates “good” from “great”? The most effective leaders think ahead, keep the big picture in mind, and plan to get results. Key leaders will share their winning strategic moves and skills you can use to thrive as a leader and move to the next level. So the question is, of all of the leadership advice, what actually works? What are the top key strategies that we need to embrace to make the difference in the way we manage ourselves, people, and competing values? The key to success is planning a strategy and using the science of leadership to give you an edge.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Understand top five strategies used to get results.
- Review key leadership knowledge and techniques that have transformed industries.
- Identify personal leadership strategies.
Moderator: Bryan Scott, Site Leader, The Boeing Company
Vernon Ross, Director, SAIC
Darryl Stokes, Vice President, Transmission & Substation, BGE

Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Turning Information Chaos Into Reliable Data: Tools and Techniques to Interpret, Organize, and Increase Reliable Business Results
Learning Objective: Increase professional effectiveness, data management, and analytical skills with evolving technology, many people are overloaded and overwhelmed with information and data. Businesses now have access to large amounts of feedback from internal and external sources. How do we make sense of all of the information? Is the data reliable? How can we manage and utilize the data in order to impact business goals, visions, and mission? This seminar with help you turn your information overload into powerful and reliable data that you can use to meet organizational goals.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Assess and categorize data and information.
- Identify tools and techniques to organize and interpret data.
- Explore productivity tools and techniques.
- Examine common data management challenges and solutions
Christine Lara, Civil Structural Engineer, Black & Veatch Corporation
Sharon Norris, Occupational and Aerospace Medicine Chief Physician, The Boeing Company
Charles Glover, Associate Data Scientist, Booz Allen Hamilton

Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Situational Leadership: The Shift Every Leader Must Make to Be Effective
Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Situational Leadership: The Shift Every Leader Must Make to Be Effective
Learning Objective: Identify personal leadership styles
What is your leadership style? Do you handle everyone and every situation the same way despite the circumstances? One of the key qualities many great leaders share is the ability to adapt. The way you manage and lead depends on the needs of the situation and the people executing the tasks. Awareness of how these elements change and flow will enable you to adapt your style and preferences to meet the needs of the vision, mission, and goals. You can’t be a leader if you don’t have followers or if you lack the ability to bring your
vision to fruition.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify your personal leadership style.
- Explore leadership style models to discover ways to adapt your style.
- Participate in mock leadership challenges to practice adapting and applying situational leadership strategies.
Moderator: Barry Edwards, Organization Effectiveness Consultant, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Shanna Travis, Advisor to the Deputy Director, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Gregory West, Chief Engineer, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Malissia Clinton, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, The Aerospace Corporation

Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
Tuesday Mar 22, 2016
How the Shale Energy Revolution Can Supercharge Any Company’s Drive From the Ground Up!
Learning Objective: Learn and explore the energy benefits of the Marcellus Shale energy wells
With natural gas flowing out of the Marcellus Shale’s bountiful wells, this workshop will focus on how companies can profit by joining the push toward “distributed energy production.”
Philadelphia is home to one of the nation’s oldest centers of refining, chemical manufacturing, and other industrial production centers, revitalizing local economies and bringing a rebirth of industry. Take advantage of BEYA 2016 in Philadelphia to see firsthand how others are maximizing the advantages.
Combined Heat & Power systems, demonstrated at the Marcellus Coalition’s “Shale Insight 2015” Conference in Philadelphia, make it possible for companies to generate their own electric power while cutting the cost of heating and cooling for their facilities. Exemplars are close at hand in Philadelphia’s Naval Yard Industrial Center, the Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, and the city’s own Water Department.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Explore factors that affect the cost of natural gas production.
- Examine top strategies that lead to operating cost-effective facilities.
- Discuss methods that will cut consumer costs and generate customer satisfaction.
Moderator: Michael Cromer, Senior Hydrogeologist, Pennoni
Dave Ferro, Pennoni
Gerald Thomas, Rutgers University
Chuck Miller, Washington Gas

Monday Mar 14, 2016
Money on my Mind: Creative Financial Planning Strategies
Monday Mar 14, 2016
Monday Mar 14, 2016
BEYA '16
Money on My Mind: Creative Financial Planning Strategies
Learning Objective: Increase financial literacy and money management capacity
How does money support your big vision for your life? What are your short- and long-term strategies for making your dreams a reality? To
manage money effectively and prepare for a secure and prosperous future, you must focus on gaining knowledge and taking action. The key to success and wealth is developing sound financial habits early. Time is money. This seminar will help you get started on the path to getting and saving more of both.
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Explore basic money management techniques.
- Examine individual relationship with money and how to make money work for you.
- Use tips to streamline the planning process.
- Identify an action plan starting from current financial position.
- Identify the top ten money mistakes young people make and how to avoid them.
Moderator: Ian Browne, Program Manager, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Renata Spinks, Information Technology Manager, U.S. Government
Davyd Jones, Financial Advisor, Raymond James & Associates, Inc.