No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Monday Aug 03, 2015
Monday Aug 03, 2015
Techno Futures: How Leading-Edge Technology Will Transform Business in the Next Century
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explore how technology will impact the future of business.
From health care to bioengineered makeovers, the fast pace of technology will make us re-evaluate everything from entrepreneurial moves to our company’s market position in the future. This seminar will help us understand the potential impact of technological change (both the good and bad) in the business environment. Major issues like speed of change and innovation make this seminar critical for managers seeking to understand change and adaption in watching out for out-of-the-box competitors.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the impact that technology has on our environment
- Examine our business and cultural dependence on technology
- Assess where technology is going and what we need to do to keep up
Tami Randolph, Director of Technology, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Aknesha Miller, Senior Program Manager, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Reginald Gillins, Security Management Technology, The Boeing Company

Monday Jul 27, 2015
The Reality of Diversity: Myth vs. Truths Presented by Raytheon
Monday Jul 27, 2015
Monday Jul 27, 2015
The Reality of Diversity: Myth vs. Truths Presented by Raytheon
Raytheon recognizes that the commitment with diversity starts at the “Top” and our commitment to diversity has been acknowledged around the world. The leadership of Raytheon believes that diversity across the company is vital to ensure that we continue to be a dominant force for providing defense systems to the warfighters around the globe. Diversity is one of our strategic pillars that allows for the continuous competitive growth and extensive enterprise collaborations of our company. These Leaders will share with you how we do it and its proven value in our ability to support our customers, to acknowledge our employees and to position the company to have a global impact that
is unprecedented. This session will also address the truths about diversity and how it works in Corporate America. We will discuss the barriers to diversity and how to engage middle management? And lastly we will discuss the kinds of changes that will have the most impact?
MODERATOR: Hayward Bell, Chief Diversity Officer, The Raytheon Company
Pam Wickham, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Communications, The Raytheon Company
Randa Newsome, Vice President of Human Resources and Global Security Services, The Raytheon Company
Benita Fortner, Director of Supplier Diversity, The Raytheon Company

Monday Jul 20, 2015
Monday Jul 20, 2015
Innovative Electronics for National Security Presented by Northrop Grumman Corporation
Over the past 50 years technology has changed our lives at a rapid pace and continues to play a critical role in modern warfare. Our country is changing how we respond to threats to our national security by deploying advanced technologies for applications from outer space to underseas to cyberspace. The benefits to our warfighters are being realized in terms of innovative new products with a focus on affordability. Northrop Grumman, as a leader in advanced technologies, presents this workshop providing an overview of the history, current capabilities and the future of electronics to protect our nation.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Increase awareness and knowledge of the challenges of national security and the importance of innovation in advance technology
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Understand the evolution of technology
- Explore the challenges of national security
- Explore the importance of advance technology
- Explore how advance technology benefits national security
PANELIST: Steve Bocskor, Director, Business Management, Advanced Concepts & Technology Division

Monday Jul 13, 2015
Monday Jul 13, 2015
The “X” Factor: Strategies for Winning Images, Lasting Impressions, and Brilliant Brands
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Identify and enhance personal brand image
Everyone is looking for ways to gain a competitive edge. How can we ensure success? Or, how can we avoid mistakes
and pitfalls? The secret to long-term success is leaving lasting impressions. You may need a brand and image makeover. We all have an image, whether good or bad, that leaves an impression on everyone we meet. We are often unaware of what that image is really saying. When people hear your name or look at you, they have a series of perceptions that determine their decisions and thoughts. These consistent thoughts define your brand. Your visual appearance, actions, reactions, and reputation impact those perceptions. “Behavior is the mirror in which everyone
shows their image.” –Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
As professional women, it is critical to be deliberate about designing an image and brand that support career goals and personal values. Come join a panel of peers discuss critical factors that make or break your winning image, lasting impression, and brilliant brand.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explore what their personal image conveys
- Examine ways to build personal image conveys
- Discuss common mistakes that make or break a winning image and brand
- Create strategies for building a brand and image that works for their organization’s culture
MODERATOR: Pauline Mosley, Professor of Information Technology, Pace University
Michael Powell, Vice President, Organizational Development & Training, Powell Consulting Group
Veronica Nelson, Talent Capture and Redeployment, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Techutrition: Promoting Technology and Science Careers in Food and Nutrition
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Techutrition: Promoting Technology and Science Careers in Food and Nutrition
What is Techutrition? A series of actions and activities designed to teach the public about the technology and science behind the processing and marketing of healthy, nutritious foods.
Most STEM students and professionals know the name George Washington Carver, the Black agronomist who is an icon of food and nutritional science. Dr. Carver worked at Tuskegee University, a historically Black school. Young people hear his name constantly during Black History Month. But how many would guess that he was a pioneer in the field of nutrition and science as a means for improving the quality of life. Major issues such as the role that technology and nutrition play in living better, longer, and having a successful career in these fields will
be addressed.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Increase knowledge of the technical, scientific, and professional skill sets involved in food manufacturing, processing, and marketing, and to create awareness of the kind of education and training needed to access careers in these fields
- Promote the field of nutrition as one that provides rewarding and rich careers that will give STEM students and professionals both personal growth and the ability to enhance the standard of living of their communities
- Help inspire innovators to establish businesses that can be part of, and benefit from, the multitrillion-dollar food and nutrition industries
- Show the potential of using Web-based technology to increase awareness about nutrition
- Encourage the use of technology to promote good nutritional health

Monday Jun 22, 2015
Monday Jun 22, 2015
Monday Jun 22, 2015
As you create your master plan for success, consider the variety of tools needed to gain a competitive edge in your industry. By familiarizing oneself with the extensive US Security Clearance Process, you can begin to prepare and access opportunities that help you excel. This workshop will guide you through the processing of getting and keeping a US security clearance. Further, we will explore the future and emerging career opportunities that require various clearance levels.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Increase knowledge and awareness around the US security
clearance process.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify a series of career paths and associated tools to improve job marketability
- List a series of certification and association options
- Review the security clearance process and associated misconceptions and mistakes
Michael Belzil, Security Director, Lockheed Martin Corporation;
Adrienne Williams, Systems Engineer Manager, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Monday Jun 15, 2015
Monday Jun 15, 2015
The Digital Economy: How the Cashless Society Will Impact Finance, Retail and Privacy
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discover how changes in banking can change human nature
The introduction of electronic banking, online transactions and mobile banking has paved way for a new era, where the use and demand for physical cash is gradually declining.
This recent evolution of technology in financial institutions poses interesting questions for economists, financial institutions, business analysts and the government regarding the status, logistics, and availability of instruments to guarantee economic growth and stability, efficiency and effectiveness of the cashless policy.
Recently, India has launched a nationwide program involving the allocation of a Unique Identification Number (UID) to every single one of its 1.2 billion residents. Each of the numbers will be tied to the biometric data of the recipient
using three different forms of information – fingerprints, iris scans, and pictures of the face. All ten digits of the hand will be recorded, and both eyes will be scanned.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Assess what advantages we gain and what rights we lose in a cashless environment
- Explore how a cashless society depowers the individual and empowers government and retail
- Investigate how a cashless society would make the world a safer place
MODERATOR: Kendall Williams, Assistant Professor, United States Military Academy
Gail Ball, Head, Payments Studies Group, Federal Reserve Bank
Reginald Gillins, Security Management Technology, The Boeing Company
Colleen Taylor, EVP, Capital One Bank

Monday Jun 01, 2015
Shaping a Brighter Future: New Advancements in Healthcare Technology
Monday Jun 01, 2015
Monday Jun 01, 2015
Shaping a Brighter Future: New Advancements in Healthcare Technology
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Address the challenges of healthcare under Obamacare
Health IT is a major component of healthcare reform. The Obama Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) aims to reduce cost of health care and decrease the number of uninsured Americans. Advancement in Healthcare technology will be a critical player in improving healthcare outcomes and streamlining the delivery of health care. As we move forward, Health IT will continue to strive to meet the demands for existing and new drug channels, advancing drug discovery, and development, increased quality care, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. This seminar will examine the role of PPCA in advancing healthcare technology to meet increasing Healthcare needs and demands.
At the end of this seminar participants will be able to:
- Identify challenges in healthcare delivery systems
- Examine existing and new drug channels
- Explore Systems Pharmacology Goals and Supply Chain integrity
- Explore the Obama Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act and its impact on Healthcare technology

Friday May 15, 2015
Friday May 15, 2015
Friday May 15, 2015
Is intelligence a function of nature or nurture? Are people born smart or do they become smart? The safest answers are “it depends” or “all of the above”. Despite the differences among us, we all search for ways to maximize our potential. There are some key habits, exercises, and ways of thinking that can help you increase your memory, make more strategic decisions, increase understanding, and enhance mental clarity. This workshop will expose you to simple things that you can do on a regularly basis to challenge your mind, engage your thinking, and access greater creativity and intellectual focus.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Increase capacity to encourage innovation and motivation in self and others.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify habits to increase memory and thinking
- Explore strategies to increase creativity
- Play brain teasing games to enhance focus
Lonney Gregory, Director, Learning Technology and Operations, Northrop Grumman Corporation;
Kimberly Rattley, President, Creative Synergy Solutions, Inc.;
Kenneth Washington, Lockheed Martin Corporation

Monday May 11, 2015
Monday May 11, 2015
Monday May 11, 2015
Cyber security has become as important as locking your front door. We must protect and secure information. As our reliance on technology increases, the need to build innovative approaches to cyber security efforts becomes critical. The opportunities in this field are great. Cyber Security is a National Priority. Join our panel of experts as we talk about managing cyber threats and ways to gain access to cyber security opportunities.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Increase Cyber Security knowledge, technical skills, and awareness of trends At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Identify required skills and areas in cyber security careers
- Explore opportunities and challenges in Cyber security
- Examine critical success factors
- Connect with other successful cybersecurity professionals
- Explore trends and best practices for 2013 in Cyberspace
MODERATOR: Simone Thomas, Systems Engineer, Sr., Lockheed Martin Corporation
Renata Spinks, Special Assistant to the Chief Technology Officer, Office of Financial Research
Reginald Gillins, Security Management Technology, The Boeing Company