No one is more responsible for your professional development than you. Career Communications Group (ccgmag.com) makes that possible by bringing you cutting edge management seminars with the nation's leading corporations and agencies executives.Slides for this presentation can be found here: https://www.slideshare.net/ccgmag

Tuesday Dec 31, 2013
Tuesday Dec 31, 2013
Getting Results Without Authority: How Employees Influence Change and Create Power
On the path to success, results and impact happen before the promotion. How can you achieve goals before you have positional or decision making power? Professionals are expected to get results yet often feel frustrated with limited power and authority. The key is to fully leverage multiple sources of power effectively despite positional authority. Employees throughout organizations have access to many sources of power. The critical shift is to acknowledge how these talents, resources, and personal qualities impact change and influence stakeholders. Leadership decisions are influenced by influential and vocal employees at all levels throughout the organization. This workshop will help you develop a strategy to gain power and influence among decision makers in your organization. These skills will help you move up the corporate latter, gain recognition, support team members, and create value.
Outcomes- Increase professional and leadership confidence and competence.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify different sources of power within an organization.
- Explore organizational value proposition and strategies to be more influential.
- Learn how to effectively use and navigate organizational politics to get results.
Speaker: Denise Lutcher Hadley, Direct, Human Resources, Wal-Mart Stores Incorporated

Tuesday Dec 31, 2013
Tuesday Dec 31, 2013
Sexual Assault in the Military: Building a Culture of Accountability, Prevention, and Change
Sexual Assault in the military has become an increasing problem. Many key leaders in the military are taking a stand to ensure that the values to defend and protect service professionals are upheld. General Carter F. Ham states that "we must continue working as a team to eliminate sexual assault from our rank. Everyone, not just leaders, Sexual Assault Response coordinators and victim advocates, has a responsibility to rid the army of this crime." In this forum, we will explore initiatives that increase awareness, accountability, and move toward preventing sexual assault in the military. Please join us as we engage in dialogue about solutions and actions.
Learning Objective: Increase knowledge and awareness around sexual harassment and assault in the military
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explore the impact of the culture and values around the issue of sexual assault in the military.
- Identify initiatives and interventions happening throughout defense.
- Examine strategies to increase accountability, prevention, and response.
Moderator: Adrienne Williams, Systems Engineering Manager, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Speaker: Master Chief Evelyn P. Banks, NAVSEA

Tuesday Dec 31, 2013
Tuesday Dec 31, 2013
Are Successful Women Shunned, While Her Male Counterparts are Celebrated? Situational Leadership Strategies to Overcome Stereotypes and Barriers
Just when we start to see cracks in that glass ceiling, there is a new one being designed. Studies show that powerful and successful women are perceived more likely to be hated than her male counterparts. The position of power, worn by women, is perceived to be self-serving, getting ahead, and vicious. On the other hand, her male counterparts are seen as confident and focused. "Women are being judged more, even by other women," said Valerie Young, Ed.D., author of The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women. She goes on to state that, "While male leaders are allowed to have complex personalities, powerful women are often summed up by hackneyed stereotypes that undermine them and their power." What is our collective responsibility in addressing these stereotypes? How do women treat each other in powerful positions? What role do women play in changing these stereotypes? DO NOT miss this seminar!
Learning Objective: Increase cultural awareness and professional competence
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Examine image and communication strategies to overcome stereotypes.
- Identify ways to build more cohesive work relationships.
- Identify strategies to engage in difficult conversations about stereotypes.
- Explore situational leadership strategies that cut through barriers.
Moderator: Talia Fox, CEO/Founder, Kuisvision
Speaker: Alex Evans, Principal, 4ManKind
Panelist: Tameka Hollis, Director, Passive RF Programs, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Do women help each other on the path to success? Unconscious Bias, Attitudes, and Behaviors among Professional Women
What role do women play in ensuring that barriers are broken? In the workplace, there are subtle behaviors, attitudes, and expressed perceptions that create a culture of bias. These biases create circumstances and challenges that may help or hurt one's capacity to excel with ease and gain essential support. These subtleties are seen in the questions we ask or don't ask. Who we decide to publicly advocate for/ who we give the benefit of the doubt to? Sometimes, the silent member of the team is expressing a bias as their lack of full participation can be perceived as disinterest. Do you actively support leadership? Are you aware of how your attitudes and behaviors may be contributing to disparities? As women, how do you ensure that you are addressing these concerns as well as increasing awareness of the internal beliefs you have and how those beliefs impact your behavior.
Learning Objective: Increase Cultural Competence
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explore unconscious behaviors and attitudes frequently expressed in the workplace.
- Identify ways to advocate for women leaders and other populations.
- Take a short assessment to identify personal role in subtle bias.
- Explore ways to create a more inclusive environment.
Speaker: Shanna L. Travis
LaRease Thomas
Dr. Valerie Stewart

Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Women will not be overlooked in 2013! How to stand out as a trailblazer in your organization?
For decades, women of all walks of life have felt pressured to prove themselves as they continue to break barriers, norms, and stigmas. Some women focus on overcoming the challenges, while others make strategic decisions to seize opportunities that take their organizations to the next level. Within the organization, there are both small and big ways to make a difference in outcomes and build lasting professional value. The ability to inspire others, infuse a sense of integrity and strength in tasks, and maximize results is the foundation of long term success. Women in diverse industries are changing trends and making critical contributions that result in major economic gains. We have seen a surge in innovation, opportunity creation, and transformative leadership breakthroughs among women in the workplace. Come to this seminar to learn more about how you can become a trailblazer and innovative leader in your organization.
Learning Objective: Increase leadership skills, techniques, and strategies
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Explore ways to be more assertive in your executive approach.
- List valuable skills and professional habits to add value at any level of the organization.
- Explore techniques and power questions to identify opportunities for innovation and breakthrough results.
- Examine planning techniques of successful executives.
Moderator: Akosua Barthwell Evans, CEO, The Barthwell Group
Speaker: Olabisi Boyle, Director, Engineering & Planning/Technical Cost, Chrysler, LLC

Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Views and Voices! Men and Women Leaders Debate the Top 10 Issues and Advantages for Women in STEM
Come listen to diverse views and voices as college students, new professionals, and executives take a stand on important issues. Do you think you have heard all of the challenges for women? As we continue to think about racial and gender equality, equal pay, and leadership discrimination, there are new opportunities and obstacles emerging. How are perceptions of women changing? Why are there still so few women leaders in top positions? How can we leverage new opportunities and close gender gaps? Join us for a lively discussion about issues and advantages as we enter into a new and changing era for women.
Learning Objective: This workshop will help you understand the business impact of behavior, attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Engage in a candid dialogue regarding the perceived challenges of managing/leading women and being managed/led by women.
- Discuss tools and techniques to find, build, and restore critical professional relationships.
- Explore issues of race, gender, and perceptions in pay and promotional opportunities.
Moderator: Pamela McCauley Bush, Ph.D, Professor/Director of Ergonomics Laboratory, University of Central Florida
Speaker: Alex Evans, Principal, 4ManKind
Panelist: Michelle Cross

Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Walking in her shoes! Capitalizing on Instinct and Work/Life Balance Strategies from the C-Suite
According to the Harvard Business Review Journal Study in 2012, women, who occupy three percent of Fortune 500 CEO positions, are outnumbered four to one in the C-suite, comprise less than 16 percent of all corporate officers and occupy only 7.6 percent of Fortune 500 top-earner positions. How many of these women are women? Take a guess. Most of us have been to countless leadership seminars. Some of us skim through several leadership books and pick up on tidbits of leadership strategies and knowledge from speeches at conferences like these. But, the question is, of all of the leadership advice, what is actually working? What are the top key strategies that we need to embrace to make the difference in the way we ensure our voices are
heard? Top women leaders in STEM join to share their success, roadblocks, and thoughts on new strategic moves to get into the C suite.
Learning Objective: Increase leadership, productivity and performance.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Examine and study top women executives and strategies(i.e. Sheryl Sandberg, COO Facebook).
- Explore transformational leadership techniques for women.
- List Ineffective leadership habits and choices.
- Explore strategies to improve work/life balance.
Speaker: Akosua Barthwell Evans, CEO, The Barthwell Group
Panelists: Tamika Hollis, Director, Passive RF Programs, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Sunday Dec 01, 2013
Set Off Your Career! The Art of Flawless Presentation and Effective Interviews
In today's workforce, it is critical for rising leaders to seek ways to stand out. Human Resource professionals and leaders seek out the best and the brightest. This seminar will help you discover effective techniques that will ensure a memorable and last impression. Join HR Professionals and other executives as they share their best interview responses and other tools that will help you represent your best self.
Learning Outcomes: Increase professional and personal development.
At the end of this seminar, participants will be able to:
- Explore best Practice in interviews and career enhancing presentations
- Examine effective techniques to prepare for job interviews and important meetings
- Identify common mistakes of rising leaders and new professionals
- Explore presentation skills and techniques
Speaker: Jean Njorge, Ph.D Graduate/Assistant, Texas A&M University

Monday Nov 11, 2013
Monday Nov 11, 2013
Empowering and Supporting Women Military Leadership: Top Women in Armed Forces Share Leadership Strategies for Success
Attention ALL WOC Conference participants! Do not miss this salute! The women on this panel are on the front lines of breaking barriers and demanding respect in their fields. They are breaking walls of steel and making great progress in male dominated cultures. They know how to lead, create value, and clear paths. Come to meet the First to Reach Flag Rank and Female Generals who consistently lead from the front. Be inspired and changed by the greatness among us. Join these key leaders as they talk about life and work. How do they calculate risks? What are the must have tools to become successful leaders in the military? What surprised them most? What decisions are they most proud of? How do they define mistakes, failures, and success?
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Connect with military leaders.
- Explore leadership strategies for success in the military.
- Explore career paths in the military.
Shanna L. Travis, Deputy Secretary, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
Colonel Regina Goff, Chief, Financial Analysis Division, Air Force Materiel Command

Monday Oct 28, 2013
Science is For Everyone: Creating STEM Youth Programs
Monday Oct 28, 2013
Monday Oct 28, 2013
Too often individuals do not take a focused, planned approach to the work that needs to be done to meet their goals and the organizational goals. By using a project management approach to how work gets completed, individuals are able to accomplish more with less a key necessity in today's complex, global business environment. Participants in this session will learn a step-by-step approach to managing projects
regardless of their size. from socializing the initiative and developing the project charter through to closing the project and capturing lessons learned. Small group discussions will be included to emphasize best practices around managing the work of the business. Participants will be provided with templates to use back on the job and will leave the presentation with an understanding of the basics of project management and how to take a project management approach to getting the work of the business done.
Participants will be able to explore current STEM programs and gain information about how to support, participate, and design winning STEM initiatives for youth.
Paula Shelton, Executive Director of Maryland MESA, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Jason E. Turner, CEO/Managing Partner, Root Cause Inc.;
Rhonda Thomas, PMP, General Engineer, Federal Aviation Administration;
Shawna T. Stepp-Jones, Founder and President, Divaneering